Inn with Tennis Courts
Number of all tennis courts 1
Number of indoor/covered tennis courts 0
Number of lighted tennis courts 0
Tennis court(s) terrain: Asphalt (Bitumen-bound aggregate). Number of courts: 1
Cost for using a court: Cost per hour: R$ 100
Are tennis lessons offered? No
Are rackets offered to guests who do not have their own? Yes, for free
Requirements to play tennis: Wear tennis shoes
Do you organise tennis camps? Νο
Do you organise tournaments that guests can participate in? Νο
Is there a shop with tennis gear? Yes, nearby. Cidade de Extrema ! Centauro esportes fica a 50 km.
Is there anything that you would like to highlight, add or clarify?
Gostaria que informasse aos hóspedes, que nossa quadra de tênis oficial. Temos uma pequena arquibancada, vestiário, chuveiro.
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