Home > La Chanduriere Gites > Questionnaires > Sustainability Journey
La Chanduriere Gites
2 LA CHANDURIERE, Saint-Paul-en-Gâtine, France
   "Sustainability Journey" is only one of our 60 categories. The below questionnaire is free of charge and has been designed to provide our users with as many details as possible regarding their interest in the category. Consequently, providing as many details as possible ensures the best exposure of your accommodation on Travelmyth, which can also result in more bookings. Any questions left unanswered or unticked will not appear at all under the specific tab of your accommodation’s listing.

Eco Friendly Category Questionnaire

Do you consider your hotel/accommodation as eco-friendly? (Positive answer is required to get listed in the collection)


Do you utilise any renewable energy sources to produce energy on the hotel/accommodation premises?

What makes your hotel/accommodation eco-friendly?

Is there anything that you would like to highlight, add or clarify? In this field please only provide information that people searching for an eco-friendly hotel/accommodation would be interested in.
By answering this questionnaire I confirm that I'm authorized to answer on behalf of La Chanduriere Gites and that I answer the questions to the best of my knowledge.
Please upload photos at your property related to the eco-friendly category:
Please drag and drop photos in this area or click here to upload them

⇒Your accommodation is also featured in these categories, please help us present it better by completing these as well:
Pool Category Questionnaire
Dog Friendly Category Questionnaire
Health & Safety Category Questionnaire

⇒ La Chanduriere Gites has received badges in 6 categories:

View all the badges.