Certifications: Green Tourism Active (GTA Global) - Certification level: Green Initiate (35% pass rate)
Ecolabel or Eco Flower (EU)
Energy Consumption Label (Greece) - Ενεργειακό πιστοποιητικό Class / Ενεργειακή κλάση: Ε
What makes your hotel/accommodation eco-friendly? The structure maximizes natural light to reduce the need for lighting and heating
Windows that block heat/cold (i.e. triple-glazed windows)
Use of non-toxic cleaning products
LED lighting throughout the premises
Employees are trained to follow environmental policies
Waste is separated into at least 3 categories
No disposable (single use) cups/glasses, plates and cutlery
Automatic system or key card that turns off the light and electrical appliances when guests leave their room
Air-conditioning and heating automatically switches off when windows are open
An energy audit is carried out at least once every five years