Dog Friendly ApartmentSummary of reviews related to the 'Dog Friendly' categoryHotel de Zeeuwse Stromen - Duinpark is a great choice for travelers with dogs as it is very dog-friendly. The location is perfect, right behind the dunes and close to the beach, making it an ideal destination for days spent in the sun with your furry friend. The staff is friendly and welcoming to dogs and even the restaurant and bar areas allow them to join in on the fun. The hotel provides dog towels at the entrance and dogs are allowed at breakfast too. The hotel has many guests with dogs, but it never feels overcrowded or noisy. The accommodation is spacious and comfortable and there are even ground-floor rooms ideal for dogs. The only downside is that some guests complain that the rooms can smell of dogs and the steep staircase can be dangerous for dogs. Overall, this hotel is perfect for travelers with dogs who want to enjoy a beach vacation in a very dog-friendly environment.
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